Nyajuok Tongyik
Retired Army Veteran, Financial Advisor, Author, Entrepreneur, Nurse, Mom and Inspirational Speaker.
Nyajuok Tongyik is a mother of three phenomenal children, Marnaa (19), Muoch (5), Mobassi (3). She is also a retired Army Nurse, community leader, mentor, successful entrepreneur, and an advocate for women’s rights.
Her story of becoming debt-free has been featured on media outlets such as: abc.com, cnbc.com. The Epoch Times, The Dave Ramsey Group, and in many local newspapers and online journals.
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Blog Life
Inspiration comes to me wherever I go. It could be on a walk, in the shower, on vacation, or when sitting at home with my children. I'd like to share some of my insights and inner thoughts about this thing called "my life". I only speak for me, but I hope that something I write inspires and motivates you to create the life you deserve to live.

"From abundance, I take abundance, still abundance remains." ~Jack Ducey

"It’s really hard to find someone or a friend who has your best interests at heart. Never in my life, I had ever come across someone like you who would be willing to help somebody he/she never met."
Marnaath Dak

"I’m so inspired by you Nyajuok since our first conversation, you’re going places honey and you will inspire millions, especially your ROSS girls. I am rooting for you. Keep shining hun, with God all things are possible and with your determination, you will make your vision a reality and you’ll inspire generations to come."
Adut Jo

"You are a good writer and public speaker. Keep up the good work. You have conquered odds. You are amazing my friend."
Nhial Tut